Just to get you started: Check out this LINK to play some fun animal games and experiment with building your own animal habitat for which animal you choose!
Day 1 - Group:
For the first day, we need you to work in your groups to find out as much as possible about your assigned animal. THIS website might help you get started. Use THIS worksheet to fill out information about the habitat, lifestyle, and food of your animal, and be sure to include things you think will make the zoo the best zoo EVER!Day 2 - Individual:
The focus of today's assignment is to find out a little bit about the continent your group's animal comes from, so you can get to know more about them and make their zoo habitat as realistic as possible. The teacher will assign you a topic to research, and you can record your findings HERE to share with your group.
Day 3 - Group:
Now we get to the really fun part! Today's task is to create some important aspects of your habitat using art supplies. With your group, decide on the parts you could make out of the materials provided, and work together to create the most beautiful, colourful home for your animal possible.
Make sure you work together with your group and share ideas! |
Day 4 - Whole Class:
Today's the day we build our zoo...and really show how well you all work as a team of zoo designers! Everyone has to work together to plan on where on the table (or area of the classroom) their group's habitat will go. Make sure everyone gets equal space to display the art they have created. During this part of the assignment you can add paths, booths, and other features to the zoo that you may not have created in your groups.
Day 5:
It's the last day of your important assignment. Today you share all the information you learned and present your group's habitat to the class. Then each student will get an opportunity to share the most interesting thing they discovered about the continent their animal was from. You are all certified zoo builders now! Go to the
conclusion tab to get your reward!
Frank is pretty happy to have all the animals, and his job, back! |